The Future of
Payments, Secure and Offline.

Transform the way you make cashless payments with FlipPay. Say goodbye to extra costs and enjoy fast and secure transactions even in areas with limited telecommunication infrastructure.
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innowacyjnego produktu
wyborczaProjekt wspierany przez Narodowe
Centrum Badań i Rozwoju

FlipPay works

Transform the way you make cashless payments with FlipPay. Say goodbye to extra costs and enjoy fast and secure transactions even in areas with limited telecommunication infrastructure.

Flip pay key benefits


Transactions without

FlipPay cashless payments work anytime, anywhere. We do not need internet access at the time of the transaction.
All the necessary information to conclude a secure and immediate transaction is included in the AlipPay application.

Low transaction fees

We do not use intermediaries, additional devices, cards, so our payment transactions are really cheap and fast.

Encrypted connection
via video

Communication between two FlipPy applications is done using QR codes, this method works on all phones, even the oldest ones.
The transmitted data is encrypted and cryptographically secured

No terminals

FlipPay is a payment method that allows you to make payments between two FlipPay users online or offline, i.e. with or without access to central services.
At the time of execution of the payment transaction, no payment terminal, payment card, access to bank services or payment institutions, or electricity are required.

No personal
information sharing

When concluding a transaction, no personal data or any sensitive data are sent.

Easy use

The FlipPay application is both a card and a reader. Very easy and intuitive to use. Our application works on both Android and IOS phones.

How it works

FlipPay revolutionizes payments with its secure, dual-device audio-video algorithm for fast and easy transactions on smartphones, even offline. Experience seamless payment sharing with FlipPay.


First step

The user launches the FlipPay application

Regardless of whether it works online or offline, the application starts and presents the account balance and the list of transactions

The user chooses what transaction he wants to make, whether he wants to buy / send or sell / collect money

Who benefits using Flippay?

FlipPay is the solution for you, especially if you are...



Regular customer

He is sure that he has access to his funds anytime and anywhere. No need to carry cash.



Small business

A business operating in an area without the required infrastructure to install payment terminals.
An entrepreneur who does not have to pay high fees for cashless payments. He has the funds immediately in his account and can use them.



Bank and Payment Institution

Innovative offer for individual and business customers. An additional source of income and the possibility of acquiring new customers..

Core team

Aleksander Nawrat

Aleksander Nawrat

Prof. dr hab. inż.
Aleksander Nawrat

Tomasz Rozmus

Aleksander Nawrat

Piotr Klimek

Let's stay
in touch

It would be a pleasure to hear from you.
Fell free to contact with us via Linkedin